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Cardiac coherence :
17 years of scientific research, 2300 articles (Harvard Business Review, Journal of Stress Medicine ...) have led to certify the benefits obtainable through heart coherence (we reach heart coherence when our heartbeat is regular and harmonious).
Used by 80 of the 500 largest companies in the USA, by top athletes, by Universities (Mines de Paris, MBA ...)

The technic is easy to learn and implement on a daily basis will allows you to have more energy, a better focus, to combat stage fright, to face periods of anxiety, combating school stress and also the stress when working in a company, etc..
On the other hand, cardiac coherence associated with visualization can provide surprising and efficient good results on diseases.


The regenerator Movements :
The regenerator Movement is resulting from the Seitai, an ancient Japanese technic that has been imported and taught in Europe by Itsuo Tsuda, with whom I had the opportunity to learn this regenerator Movement over 30 years ago.
The Japanese term Seitai means: "The body Order." The regenerator Movement can promote this reordering by the "not-doing" a breathing technique favored by a simple series of movements.
Over time, with daily practice, the body regains its flexibility, balance and strength, the mind feels naturally serene and tranquil.
The "Ki" (life energy) awakens and stabilizes. Gradually the perception of our ills or body issues imposed to us will change into a different feeling. It is then possible to approach life in all its aspects with confidence, more peaceful.


Technic of the Tiny Steps :
The technic of the Tiny Steps can implement the changes needed and / or desired, without stressing our emotional brain (the center of our survival)and while not becoming an opponent of it (knowing that it is almost always the one who wins, preventing us from any changes in our habits), but an allie that will help our future development.